As of January 1, 2025, our new clinic address is:

170 S. Bloomingdale Rd., Suite 200 Bloomingdale, IL 60108

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Acute Condition Report

Instructions for completing an acute condition Report

Describe the acute problem(s) in your own words as you are experiencing it. Do notforget to add the time of onset and to complete your description with the sensationsexperienced, the modalities, the concomitants symptoms, the changes in moods,disposition, sensitiveness and behavior, and position adopted.

1) Describe precisely the sensations felt (e.g.: pain feels as if...) i.e. "Headaches: feels asif my head was compressed by a very heavy hat made of metal. Dizziness: feels as ifsomeone turned the light off and as if I was swirling around the room".

2) Describe which modalities or factors affect the condition for the better or the worse(Modalities: certain time, circumstances, activities, mental or emotional factors /Physical factors: noise, music, light, cold or warm compresses, warm or cold air or room,pressure, touch, massage, movement, ...) i.e. "My headaches becomes better when I laydown on my back and close my eyes with soft music and no light. Feel much better afterhaving slept. Feel worse when I am standing and when there is noise and light".

3) Describe the concomitant or other symptoms which accompany the major discomfort(e.g.: you are warmer or colder, more or less thirsty, new food cravings, paler or redderface, more quiet or more excited, sleep affected, ...) i.e. "I am more quiet, I am morethirsty for warm drinks which I sip continually. The only food I am interested in eating issomething sour like pickles. My body temperature stays the same. I feel tired and can fallasleep very fast".

4) Indicate your moods, especially changes of moods (e.g.: angrier, more sad, weepier)i.e. "I feel numb. I am not in a good or bad mood, just in the mood to be left alone whichis not my usual habit".

5) Indicate if you noticed any change of sensitiveness (ex.: sensitive to draft, noise, light,company, music, ...) i.e. "I am more sensitive to light and noise".

6) Indicate which position you adopt by instinct during discomfort and which positionyou avoid (lying down, sitting, walking, laying on your back or stomach, leaningforward, ...) i.e. "Positions adopted: lying down or sitting straight. Positions avoided:standing up or making quick movements".

7) Describe the etiology or cause of the condition in your own words (grief, anger, coldwind, injury,…) i.e. “The headaches started after a car accident or the headaches startedafter a death in the family”.

8) Describe the exact location of the symptom and anywhere that it extends or radiates to(e.g. neck ache extending to the head, occipital headache extending to above the eyes,abdominal pain extending to the back).

Description of the acute problem(s):

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